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What is the meaning of sisterhood? It is many things, but there are some ties that bind deeper than friendship, deeper than the blood sisters you may have. Sisterhood, in the author's conception, is a promise to love unconditionally.  It is to support, encourage, and inspire the women that you choose to hold close. Some of these women you may never meet, and some of them may never be your best friends, but for a lot of them, they will come to understand you better than you sometimes know yourself. To be a sister in a sisterhood is to take part in a safe community of determined, dedicated, and special women who aspire to be greater. Sisters fulfill their potential by surrounding themselves with women who challenge their abilities, and reward their efforts. 

Sisterhood is not perfect, however, and it would be disingenuous to represent it thus. Sisters conflict with each other the way all humans do. When you put high achievers into one room, you are bound to get some clash of opinions and personalities. But sisters work through each challenge with deep empathy, keeping the ideals of Kappa in mind as they interact with each other, and the wider community.

It is important to note that sisterhood is eternal. Once a sister graduates from university, Kappa is something that stays in her life, even if she chooses not to make it a central role. The years of an undergraduate are when people evolve and become more of the person they desire to be. Kappa plays a huge role in this transition, and becoming a sister changes you in a way that is difficult to describe. With your sisters, you feel safe; with your sisters one can try, and fail, but ultimately one tries again. Knowing that there are those close to you who understand you and support you is one of the greatest, and most important feelings to have. In the tumultuous four years where friends change, where courses are difficult, and majors and career paths alter, sisterhood remains that constant. The sisters that you know will love you all your life. 

In closing, sisterhood is a powerful tie that binds. If you so choose, sisterhood can be the most important experience in university, and your life. If you so choose, the experience is one that you will never have again. It is that special, it is that unique. I urge you to make the most of sisterhood, to unleash your full potential.